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Saturday July 27th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘活動’

What if my kid fails at school?

Recently I am attending a course learning how to be a good mentor to my kids. I have deep reflection on this topic – what will I do if my kids fail at school? How would I feel? Can I accept this? I belong to the generation which education qualification is very [Read More]

Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes

Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes

In fact, the heroes who received the most ” Thank you cards ” are Lily and Steven.   The number of Thank you cards they received far exceeded any other winners !   This shows that the brothers and sisters in Elim had never taken their hard work for granted [Read More]

My Story – Prologue

From the Editor: In order to protect the author, brother and sisters who know the people in the story, please do not disclose their identities.  Thank you very much for your kind consideration. ***** I am not a writer and I have no intention to write something to attract [Read More]

Introduction of Elim Couples’ Ministry

  On a Mothers’ Day a few years ago, Pastors led us to pray for all mothers. I prayed that all mothers in Elim would be “ happy mothers “. I prayed this prayer because I found many parents were exhausted and seemed children have brought them burden more than joy. [Read More]

Appreciation Day 2010

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Pastor Day 2010

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Elim Bowling Fun Day

Elim Bowling Fun Day

Glad to see so many new friends coming ! Uncle Bill has brought more than 10 of his friends to this Fun Day and we were so happy to meet them !  Guess who was the champion ?  Looking forward to the next Elim Bowling Fun Day !Special thanks to Activity Team for [Read More]

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Kids receiving their VBS certificates after attending the 3-days Bible study playgroup during the summer holiday. VBS Tea Party ! Watch out ! [Read More]

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