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Tuesday October 22nd 2024

Creative Arts Class創意手工班

Creative Arts Classes were held at Elim Church on the four sundays of September.  Kids stayed behind after lunch and learnt to make ” the three little houses for the three little pigs “.  But where have all the parents gone ?  They were at the 6A Workshops next door, learning how to be effective parents !

創 意 手工 班 已 在 九 月 舉 行,孩 子 們 午 飯 後 都 留 在 教 會 學 做 ” 三 隻 小 豬 的 小 豬 屋 ” ,你 看 他 們 多 高 興 呀!但 是,爸 爸 媽 媽 們 都 去 了 哪 裏 呢?原 來 是 在 隔 壁 禮 堂 參 加 6A  品 格 教 育 エ 作 坊,學 習 做 有 效 的 父 母 呢!小 豬 們 有 這 麼 好 學 的 爸 媽,真 幸 福 呢!

4th Youth Alpha第四屆少靑啟發


Work hard !

Camp Site

Yeah !




Yeah !

Elim Bowling Fun Day以琳保齡樂滿紛

Glad to see so many new friends coming ! Uncle Bill has brought more than 10 of his friends to this Fun Day and we were so happy to meet them !  Guess who was the champion ?  Looking forward to the next Elim Bowling Fun Day !Special thanks to Activity Team for organizing this event !

很 開 心 這 次 活 動 有 很 多 新 朋 友 參 加 呀!標 叔 叔 邀 請 了 十 多 位 親 友 參 加,真 高 興 能 認 識 他 們!猜 猜 誰 是 冠 軍 呢?很 期 待 下 一 次 的 以 琳 保 齡 樂 滿 紛 呀!多 謝 活 動 組 悉 心 籌 辦!

Vacation Bible School假期聖經班 愛思考的孩子

The 3-days Vacation Bible School for kids has been completed !  The kids were very proud to receive their certificates.  No wonder, they spent 3 afternoons in church and learnt how to be kids who could make wise decisions.   Let us share some of their Kidwords.


Kidsword 1

Teacher : If you have a lot of money but dad is not around, what will you do with the money?

Ying Ying ( 10 yrs old ) : I will save it !

Yat Sum ( 8 yrs old ) : I will give offering.

Teacher : Wow ! How much will you give ?

Everybody : 1/10 !

Ka Ho( 4yrs old ) : But, but… I don’t have 1/10 !

Wing Wing( 8 yrs old ) : I will buy a caculator and plan how to use the money.  And I will stay in a hotel.

Ying Ying : I will also donate to others.

Wing Wing : If you donate too much, after a while, you will have nothing for yourself !


Kidsword 2

Teacher : The Lost Son was not a wise guy.  He messed up when his dad was not around and wasted his money.  He wasted his time too…..

Ying Ying ( 10 yrs old ): ( very seriously )… No, he didn’t waste his time. During the time when he was away from home, the time was not wasted.

Teacher :  Why do you think so ?

Ying Ying : Because during this period, he learnt that he couldn’t be this anymore.  He had learnt a great lesson.


I think you will agree with me that our Elim kids are really smart kids !

一連三天的兒童假期聖經班 << 愛思考的孩子 >>已完滿結束,孩子能在悠長的假期裏善用光陰確是一件好事,你看他們拿着畢業證書多神氣!和大家分享兩則孩子語錄吧!

孩子語錄 (一 )

導師 : 如果你有好多好多錢,又無爸爸媽媽管住你,你會點做呢?

盈盈 ( 10 歲 ) : 儲起佢!

一心 ( 8 歲 ) : 奉獻!


衆人 : 十分之一囉!

嘉浩 ( 4 歲 ) : 吓!我冇十分之一喎!

詠詠 ( 8 歲 ) : 我會買個計數機,計吓啲錢點用,同埋去旅館住吓。

盈盈 ( 10 歲 ) : 幫助人囉!捐錢吖嘛!泥石流吖嘛!

詠詠 ( 8 歲 ) : 如果捐太多,咁你自己用一排就冇啦!




盈盈 ( 突然變嚴肅 ) : 其實佢冇浪費時間呀!佢呢段日子係好充實嘅…


盈盈 : 因為佢响呢段時間佢學到咁樣係唔得嘅,佢之前唔知咁係錯嘅…


相信大家都會同意,以琳的孩子,的確是愛思考的孩子 !

Vacation Bible School假期聖經班 愛思考的孩子

Kids receiving their VBS certificates after attending the 3-days Bible study playgroup during the summer holiday.

VBS Tea Party !

Watch out !




Elim Open Day 1st August以琳開放日 8月1日

*Kids making sandwiches for parents.

* Our guest receiving foot massage service while chatting with our usher.

*孩子為媽媽做三文治,sweet sweet !

* 為婆婆提供足健按摩服務,言談甚歡!

Mothers’ Day Celebration母親節 約阿媽去飲茶

It was such a beautiful thing to bless our mothers on this special day! Pastor Paul led us to pray for all the mothers in Elim.  Children presented wonderful cookie gift sets, prepared by Catering Team, to mothers.  Special thanks to Outing Team for organizing a grand Yum Cha Party, so we could bless our mothers with wonderful Chinese Dim Sum !

能在這特別的日子給母親祝福真是一件美事啊!沙牧師帶領我們為以琳所有的母親祈禱,孩子們則送上由膳食組製作的精美曲奇禮包,特別多謝活動組籌辦 ” 母親節齊齊去飲茶 “,讓我們能以蝦餃燒賣义燒包祝福媽媽們呀!

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