Rm1509, CitiMark, 28 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, Hongkong. | Tel:2698 0070 | Fax:2693 6686
Friday July 26th 2024

2020 講道集

29. 信徒的力量 The Believer’s Strength
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.07.19

28. 在艱難時候過活 Living in difficult days
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.07.12

27. 基督的特使 Christ’s Ambassadors
Speaker: Brother Steven
Date: 2020.07.05

26. 當避無可避時 When the Inevitable happens
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2020.06.28

25. 父親的重要性 The Importance of our Fathers
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.06.21

24. 神在向我們說話 God is Speaking to us
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.06.14

23. 我在神計劃中的角色 My Part in God’s Plan
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.06.07

22. 箴言 Proverbs 3:5-6
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.05.31

03. 2020 異象 Vision (II)
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.01.19

02. 2020 異象 Vision (I)
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.01.12

01. 實現我們的召命 Fulfulling our destiny
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2020.01.05

以琳特別報告 2020.03.07

Greetings Everybody,

In view of the Continuing situation we have decided to again cancel the prayer meeting on Friday and the service this Sunday UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. We feel that we do not want to risk people being infected at this time.

We have recorded the sermon again and I will be sharing on “Don’t Be Afraid. “ We trust it will encourage. The link will be sent out later.

If possible please use the procedure outlined in the special letter last week to give tithes and offerings. This will be much appreciated.

Finally, continue to be in prayer, that the situation will be quickly resolved.

Pastor Paul

以琳特別報告 2020.02.27

Greetings Everybody,

In view of the Continuing situation we have decided to again cancel the prayer meeting on Friday and the service this Sunday. We feel that we do not want to risk people being infected at this time.

We will record the sermon again for everybody, and this time Steven will be sharing. We trust it will encourage. The link will be sent out later.

If possible please use the procedure outlined in the special letter last week to give tithes and offerings. This will be much appreciated.

Finally, continue to be in prayer, that the situation will be quickly resolved.

Pastor Paul

以琳特別報告 2020.02.21

Greetings Everybody,

After much consideration we have decided to cancel the Sunday service this week once more. We feel that we do not want to risk people being infested at this time.

We will record the sermon again for everybody, and we trust it will encourage. Please be in prayer.


Pastor Paul

以琳特別報告 2020.02.14


Greetings everybody,

Hi everybody, many thanks for your prayers, please keep praying for Hong Kong. I am sorry to say we have found it necessary to cancel again this Sunday, but we will again record the sermon for everybody to hear. It is entitled “The Hope that does Not Disappoint” and I encourage all to listen to it. We will send everyone the unlisted Youtube link so that you may listen.

The Prayer meeting tonight is also cancelled, but I urge everyone to spend some time in prayer for the corona virus situation that exists at the moment, not only here but in China and around the world.

May I also urge everyone to do as little travel as possible. Remember to check the website if in doubt, www.elimchurch.org. I will send the link for the sermon as soon as I finish recording it, editing it and putting it on YouTube. Please keep praying for good health for everybody, and also that the virus does not spread. Special prayers also for Dr. Anne.

Pastor Paul

特別報告 (2020.02.06)


2020 賀歲活動

2019 Sermon

52. 過得勝生活 Living Victory
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.12.29

51. 聖誕 Christmas
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.12.22

50. 道成了肉身 The Word become Flesh
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.12.15

49. 帳棚的世界 The Tent World
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.12.08

48. 災難?救贖? Calamity or Redemption
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.12.01

47. 欣賞以琳 Elim Appreciation
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.11.24

46. 聆聽 Listening
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.11.17

45. 禱告的應許 The Promise of Prayer
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.11.10

44. 期待 Expectancy
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.11.03

43. 察驗神的旨意 Prove what God’s will is
Speaker: Brother Steven
Date: 2019.10.27

42. 堅定不移的心 A Steadfast Heart
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.10.20

41. 耶和華是我的旌旗 The Lord is my Banner
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.10.13

40. 你仍然站穩嗎 Are you still standing
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.10.06

39. 消除恐懼 Calming Our Fears
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.09.29

38. 神對我們成長的計劃 God’s Plan for Our Growth
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.09.22

37. 忠於召命 Faithful to the Call
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.09.15

36. 一根刺 A Thorn
Speaker: Brother Steven
Date: 2019.09.08

35. 與別不同 Making A Difference
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.09.01

34. 爭戰的禱告 Prayer Warfare
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.08.25

Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.08.18

32. 白白地得來,白白捨去 Freely you have received, freely give
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.08.11

31. 以言以行 In Word and in Deed
Speaker: Dr Alex Abraham
Date: 2019.08.04

30. 在艱難之處得到勝利 Victory in a Difficult Place
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.07.28

29. 與神同行 Walk with God
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.07.21

28. 需要愛 The Need of Love
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.07.14

27. 面對艱難時期 Facing Difficult Times
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.07.07

26. 克服憂慮 Overcoming Anxiety
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.06.30

25. 在耶穌裡的生命 Life in Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.06.23

24. 一位令人引以為傲的爸爸 A Father whom his child is proud of
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.06.16

23. 守住合一 Guarding the Unity
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.06.09

22. 喜與憂 Joy and Sadness
Speaker: Brother Steven
Date: 2019.06.02

21. 驅走愚昧 Driving Out Folly
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.05.26

20. 阿拉法和俄梅戛 Alpha & Omega
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.05.19

19. 母親的愛 The Love of A Mother
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.05.12

18. 勸勉 Encouragement
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.05.05

17. 四件我們都須了解的事 Four things we need to know
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.04.28

16. 個人的復活節 A Personal Easter
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.04.21

15. 習慣 Habits
Speaker: Brother Steven
Date: 2019.04.14

14. 足夠有餘 More than enough
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.04.07

13. 在井旁的婦人 The Woman at the Well
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.03.31

12. 突破 Breakthrough
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.03.24

11. 靈命增長的四個「P」The Four “P’s” of Spiritual Growth
Speaker: Pastor Webb
Date: 2019.03.17

10. 孩童是重要的 Children are Important
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.03.10

09. 信徒的力量 The Believers’ Strength
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.03.03

08. 為需要的事禱告 Pray for what is needful
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.02.24

07. 改變的範疇 Areas of Change
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.02.17

06. 新年快樂 Happy New Year
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.02.10

05. 說預言的目的 The Purpose of Prophecy
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.02.03

04. 禱告的態度 Prayer Attitude
Speaker: Pastor Rebekah Leung
Date: 2019.01.27

03. 認識父神 Knowing God the Father
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.01.20

02. 完成人生目的 Fulfill the purpose of life
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.01.13

01. 與朋友分享 Sharing with a friend
Speaker: Pastor Paul Sarchet-waller
Date: 2019.01.06

2019 年終感恩祈禱會

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