Rm1509, CitiMark, 28 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, Hongkong. | Tel:2698 0070 | Fax:2693 6686
Tuesday October 22nd 2024

22 Sep Sunday Service Sepcial Arrangement9月22日主日崇拜特別安排

Due to the typhoon, we have special arrangement for service tomorrow:

1. If either the red or black rain signal hoisted at or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled.

2.If no.8 or above typhoon signal hoisted on or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled.

3. If it is announced the no.8 signal will be hoisted at or before 2 p.m., service will also be cancelled.

From Pastor Rebekah由於颱風關係,以下是明天主日崇拜安排:

1. 如早上9:30或以前,天文台發出紅雨或黑雨警告,主日崇拜將會取消。

2. 早上9:30或以前,天文台若改掛八號風球或以上,主日祟拜將會取消。

3. 天文台若預告下午2:00或以前將掛八號風球,主日祟拜也將會取消。

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  • 22 Sep Sunday Service Sepcial Arrangement9月22日主日崇拜特別安排&summary=Due to the typhoon, we have special arrangement for service tomorrow: 1. If either the red or black rain signal hoisted at or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled. 2.If no.8 or above typhoon signal hoisted on or before 9:30am, service will be cancelled. 3. If it is announced the no.8 signal will be hoisted &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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