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Tuesday October 22nd 2024

Carol & Maggie’s Sharing – 10th Alpha Banquet感恩 – 籌備第十屆啓發課程介紹餐會

Our Alpha course has stopped for 2 years already. And it is God’s time to move on… Alpha Course 2011 !

When Pastor Leung invited me and Maggie to be in charge of the 10th Alpha Banquet, I accepted without any hesitation. Why?  On the morning before we met for the first meeting, ,I kept thinking about the Alpha Banquet.  I said to myself,  I will volunteer to be the in-charge this year, but I want to partner with Maggie, (my dearest sister in the Lord, because we always shared the same vision and direction).  God is great! When Pastor Leung asked me and Maggie if we wanted to try, I knew that God has put his will inside our hearts!

Challenges started as soon as we went to site-visit.  The venue was a bit smaller that we had to re-arrange the whole table-setting.  ( So thankful to God that I had worked in Ikea and Maggie is a designer that our experience helped a lot).

Thanks God ! When we invited brothers and sisters to help, all of them said “ yes “ at once! The most touching thing was when we just asked them to sing a few simple songs, it turned out that Steven has put new lyrics to the music and had added much new feelings to the songs! I and Maggie wanted to have some desserts, Fiona (Heung) suggested to add some decoration to it. (Maggie’s design talent would never be wasted! )  I invited May May to perform some magic for fun, I had never thought that she blended in some gospel message in the show!

Even before the banquet started, I deeply realized that God’s word is true,
“ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. “ Romans 8:28

On 28 Aug, the big day has come!

When we were setting up the site, we could see that all the brothers and sisters were doing their part and encouraging each other.  I am so thankful that God has made everyone of us part of his work.  Every segment in the banquet was very smooth.  Even the simple ice-breaking games at the beginning could unexpectedly arouse a very joyful atmosphere in the whole venue.

All the new friends were very blessed by the good food and the games. Not only were the new comers being blessed, I believe that every one of us who was involved could feel the blessing of God was with us.

I especially want to thank God the Holy Spirit for His presence and guidance!

I and Maggie would like to express our gratitude to the following people,

Pastor Leung, for trusting us, and for your encouragement and support !

Steven, for your countless tenderness, your gentle reminders, your practical help and your support !

Fiona, for your charming desserts and everything was so carefully-arranged!

Big Brother Chi ( Maggie’s Daddy ),  for your great food 😛

Ronald, Mrs. Fu and Kit for your powerful testimonies!

Sandy and Christina, for your beautiful songs!

May May ( David CopperMay!! ) for your magic show !

Ah Wai ( Lam Wai Keung ) and Ka Hei,  for your ukulele and guitar performance !

Patrick and Lily, for your professionalism in ushering !

Bong and Steven for being the photographers !

All the team members of 10th Alpha Course, thank you for your commitment in thministry.

Without your commitment on that day, there will be no Alpha students today !

After the banquet that evening, we received an email of encouragement from Pastor Leung .

Thank you Pastor Leung for giving us Pslam 133 : 1 , since this was exactly what we felt and gained from the process of organizing this event.

“ How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! “
Thank you Every One !!!

P.S. We have received a lot of positive feedback after the banquet. We are so excited and encouraged !  Glory to God !!

Maggie & Carol ( Lo )


當梁牧師邀請我和MAGGIE 合作籌辦第十屆啓發課程介紹餐會時,我一口答應!!為何我會這樣爽快? 因為當天的早上當我祈禱時我心裡不停地想著啓發餐會,心裡有一個使命,就是待一會兒跟梁牧師開會,我要要求負責今屆的介紹餐會(但一定要拍住我的好姊妹MAGGIE )因為我們的目標意向一致!神真是奇妙可畏….當我們在會議中討論到餐會負責人時,梁牧師直問我們,這餐會可否由你和Maggie 負責!( 我心在想這是父神的定意!!)

由視察場地開始,我們已感到接受挑戰了!因為場地比往日攪餐會的場地細小了,我們要完全把整個場地的桌椅大轉動才能解決坐位的問題 ( 感謝父神曾把我放在Ikea 工作,而MAGGIE 又是Designer)!

感謝父神!!當我們聯絡弟兄姊妹幫手的時候,他們都是一口答應!! 最感動的是,我們的要求只是要他們帶唱一些輕鬆的歌曲,但Steven竟然把歌曲填上新的歌詞!! 我和MAGGIE只希望有點精緻甜品,我們也想不到Fiona 提議要在甜品上加一點裝飾(MAGGIE的設計又用得著了)!我們只是要May May 表演小魔術攪下氣氛,絶對無想過她會細心去把Alpha 和福音的訊息用魔術表演出來。介紹餐會未開始我已深深體會到神這句話:

『 我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按他旨意被召的人。』

羅 8:28

28/8/2011 這天終於來臨!! 在SET 場的時候我看見各弟兄姊妹各就各位的正在預備,又看見他們彼此鼓勵,我感謝父神讓我們各人都有這福份與祂同工!這天每一個環節都很順利,意想不到的是簡單的熱身遊戲,竟能帶動整個會場每一個人的情緒,熱鬧的氣氛簡直將大家融和了。



以下是我和Maggie 要深深感謝的人(排名不分先後) :



Fiona  喜出望外的甜品和細心的安排!!

賜哥  的精心美食!!!

Ronald  、傅太 、阿Kit的有力見證!!!

Sandy + 小燕 的動聽詩歌!!!

May May  (大衛高拍 May) 的精心魔術表演!!!

偉  + 嘉希  小結他 + 結他的輕鬆演奏!!!

晢沁 + Lily 的細心款待 + 當天的攝影師 Bong + Steven!!!!

10th Alpha Course 的隊工感謝你們當天的委身服事!!


那天完了餐會後收到梁牧師的e-mail 鼓勵我們!! 多謝梁牧師給我們詩篇133,因這正正是我們在籌備整個餐會的感受和得著:



PS: 餐會後,收到好多正面讚賞的回應,簡直令我們振奮,榮耀歸主!

Maggie + Carol Lo

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