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Saturday July 27th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘church life’

(3) Pain kills Fear

(3) Pain kills Fear

Editor’s notes:  Some of the contents in this article may arouse uncomfortable feelings among some readers.  The reason why we published these details is because we wish to let our readers know that, the power of darkness exists, and is real.  However, there is true [Read More]

Lavender Garden BBQ

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(2) I ‘ve Met it

My friend came to visit me again…who is he? Why did it happen at such a young age? Why didn’t God give me a second chance? One day, I asked my father when we were eating in a Chinese restaurant.   “ Daddy, what is the meaning of life? If everybody ends up dying some [Read More]

Protected: (繁體) 敬拜組資源庫

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. [Read More]

Mothers’ Prayer Meeting

Mothers’ Prayer Meeting

” My boy is gifted. However, he doesn’t like to study.  This is a disadvantage under the education system in Hong Kong. No matter how hard we as parents try to build his confidence, whenever he compares his academic results with his peers, he lost his [Read More]

( 1 ) The Child

Everybody has friends. Your friends will surely visit you from time to time. I have a friend too.  He also visited me from time to time.  Who is he ? I was born in a very healthy family. I lived with my parents, grandparents, auntie and brother. I had a lot of questions [Read More]

What if my kid fails at school?

Recently I am attending a course learning how to be a good mentor to my kids. I have deep reflection on this topic – what will I do if my kids fail at school? How would I feel? Can I accept this? I belong to the generation which education qualification is very [Read More]

Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes

Elim Appreciation Day ( 2 ) – The Heroes

In fact, the heroes who received the most ” Thank you cards ” are Lily and Steven.   The number of Thank you cards they received far exceeded any other winners !   This shows that the brothers and sisters in Elim had never taken their hard work for granted [Read More]

My Story – Prologue

From the Editor: In order to protect the author, brother and sisters who know the people in the story, please do not disclose their identities.  Thank you very much for your kind consideration. ***** I am not a writer and I have no intention to write something to attract [Read More]

Introduction of Elim Couples’ Ministry

  On a Mothers’ Day a few years ago, Pastors led us to pray for all mothers. I prayed that all mothers in Elim would be “ happy mothers “. I prayed this prayer because I found many parents were exhausted and seemed children have brought them burden more than joy. [Read More]

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