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Wednesday February 12th 2025

Month of Prayer and Fasting禁食祈禱月

I promised to do these in March 2012 :

1. Pray for one hour every day

2. Fast for one day every week

3. Join prayer meetings every week ( Friday 7:30pm and Sunday 10:00 am )

( Please put into practice all or part of the above according to your situations. )

我承諾在2012年3 月 :

1. 每天祈禱一小時

2. 每星期禁食一天

3. 出席每星期的祈禱會 ( 星期五晚七時半及星期日早上十時 )


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  • Month of Prayer and Fasting禁食祈禱月&summary=I promised to do these in March 2012 : 1. Pray for one hour every day 2. Fast for one day every week 3. Join prayer meetings every week ( Friday 7:30pm and Sunday 10:00 am ) ( Please put into practice all or part of the above according to your situations. ) 我承諾在2012年3 月 &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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