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Tuesday October 22nd 2024

Creative Arts Class創意手工班

Creative Arts Classes were held at Elim Church on the four sundays of September.  Kids stayed behind after lunch and learnt to make ” the three little houses for the three little pigs “.  But where have all the parents gone ?  They were at the 6A Workshops next door, learning how to be effective parents !

創 意 手工 班 已 在 九 月 舉 行,孩 子 們 午 飯 後 都 留 在 教 會 學 做 ” 三 隻 小 豬 的 小 豬 屋 ” ,你 看 他 們 多 高 興 呀!但 是,爸 爸 媽 媽 們 都 去 了 哪 裏 呢?原 來 是 在 隔 壁 禮 堂 參 加 6A  品 格 教 育 エ 作 坊,學 習 做 有 效 的 父 母 呢!小 豬 們 有 這 麼 好 學 的 爸 媽,真 幸 福 呢!

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  • Creative Arts Class創意手工班&summary=Creative Arts Classes were held at Elim Church on the four sundays of September.  Kids stayed behind after lunch and learnt to make ” the three little houses for the three little pigs “.  But where have all the parents gone ?  They were at the 6A Workshops next door, learning how to be effective parents ! 創 &source=Elim Full Gospel Church" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linkedin">LinkedIn
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